About Field of Honour Full of Life

The initiators of Field of Honour Full of Life are Nathalie Toisuta from Media Luna and Dennis Brussaard, DLGR.
We owe many thanks to everybody who invests or commits themselves to Field of Honour Full of Life. Firstly the relatives who gave us permission to share the stories of their loved ones. We also owe a lot to the funds that gave us the resources to realise Field of Honour Full of Life. With special thanks to the Vfonds. They have been incremental in developing and executing Field of Honour Full of Life. We also thank the other funds and organisations that contributed and gave us their trust and resources like the Nationaal Comité 4 en 5 mei, the Mondriaanfonds, the Prins Bernard Cultuurfonds, the Ministerie van Defensie and Phoenix Opleidingen.
We also want to thank all the companies, schools, staff members, volunteers, students and many representatives who were willing to work with us which enabled us to realise Field of Honour Full of Life. Without them Field of Honour Full of Life wouldn't have been possible. Thank you for all your trust and support.

Photography - Carolien Sikkenk  - Photoline

Contact us at:

If you have questions you can contact us at info@herdenkenvolleven.nl